LOS ANGELES-After a slow start Riverside's Josesito Lopez came rumbling back to beat former world champion Victor “Vicious” Ortiz by technical knockout after the Ventura boxer suffered a broken jaw on Saturday.
Those Lopez uppercuts were vicious.
Round 1
There's an obvious size disparity between these guys. Ortiz looks like a tank. Cautious opening instead of the all out assault from Ortiz some were expecting. Ortiz tries to double the left hand. Both men jab as they continue the feeling out process. Ortiz lands a left and a right. He goes to the body before Lopez fires back with a combination upstairs. Ortiz tries to take the fight to the ropes, but Lopez backs him up with a right hook. Lopez strafes Ortiz with a combo right at the bell.
Tylwalk: 10-9 Lopez
Round 2
Lopez lands another left hook early, and Ortiz tries to shake it off by throwing a bunch of punches. Ortiz doubles the jab to good effect. Lopez lands a right hand and uses two lefts to the body to follow up. Ortiz connects with a left-right combo and Lopez is hurt. He manages to push Ortiz against the turnbuckle to buy himself some time. Both men land some shots before they tie up. Lopez lands his own big right hand and now Ortiz may be stunned. Good stuff here as Ortiz tries to catch his breath.
Tylwalk: 10-9 Ortiz
Round 3
Both boxers land stiff shots in the opening seconds. Certainly a great action fight so far. Lopez lands a crazy right hook followed by a left. Another right hook gets through before Ortiz ties him up. Victor comes right back at him, though only for a moment. His left hand still looks very dangerous. Lopez tries a looping right hand that grazes Ortiz, who was trying a combo.
Tylwalk: 10-9 Lopez
Round 4
Otiz turns boxer as he lands several jabs. He corners Lopez for a moment, trying to land some uppercuts. Body punches from Lopez get him some room. Ortiz rushes in for two left hands before getting tied up. Right hook by Ortiz as he seems to be finding a better rhythm. Ortiz puts his head down and bulls his way in. Lopez reaches and misses a few right hands. Now he lands some punches in a combination, though Ortiz dodged well.
Tylwalk: 10-9 Ortiz
Round 5
This time it's Lopez who comes out jabbing. Ortiz snaps his jab in response. Hard hooks are exchanged along the ropes with Lopez scrambling not to get pinned down. Lopez lands a right that seems to stun Ortiz and a hook, but Lopez gets nailed right back. Ortiz lands a shot to the back of Lopez's head and the fight is stopped for a moment. The ref checks with Lopez as the crowd boos. Lopez gets time to recover, but not five minutes. Lopez returns to action and rips some hooks at Ortiz. Victor comes back with mean hooks of his own. Lopez pushes him back into the middle of the ring. Lopez swings wildly and manages to sneak in one right hand there. Ortiz lands some short punches. Tough round to score because of the delay.
Tylwalk: 10-9 Ortiz
Round 6
Ortiz connects with some quick shots as they circle in the middle of the ring. Lopez unleashes some hooks and uppercuts, answered by a hook from Ortiz. Lopez slips down, then eats an uppercut from Ortiz. Victor hooks his way out of a clinch. A brief lull is broken by Ortiz slipping to the mat. He goes to the body as Lopez is backed into the ropes again. Left hook by Lopez in the final 10 seconds.
Tylwalk: 10-9 Ortiz
Round 7
Left hand by Ortiz, then some body work by both men. Lopez misses a wild left hook and almost gets himself in trouble along the ropes. Ortiz uppercuts as Lopez tries to counter. Lopez scores with three straight punches but Ortiz shrugs them off and connects with a straighr right. Both men land bombs, with Ortiz's looking like it hit harder. Lopez bravely waves Ortiz in, then lands a two-punch combo. Ortiz gets chased back by three straight punches, trying to set up his straight left. Ortiz doing lots of circling now.
Tylwalk: 10-9 Lopez
Round 8
Right hand by Lopez, and he tries the body too. Ortiz gets tied up as he tries to close the range. Right hook by Ortiz. He walks into a jab trying a left. Jabs and a hook fly from Ortiz. Ortiz lands a left but takes an uppercut counter. Victor lands some nasty lefts that force Lopez to back up. Lopez uses his uppercut again with his back on the ropes. Four-punch combo by Lopez is answered by Ortiz's hooks. Ortiz lets more shots go with both hands. Another tight frame.
Tylwalk: 10-9 Ortiz
Round 9
Left hook by Lopez, but it's not a strong one. Uppercut also finds the range as Victor moves in. Ortiz jabs to set up the left. He hooks with the right but is chased off by body shots. Straight left by Ortiz and a left hook by Lopez. Here comes a flurry from Ortiz, as this round is there to be won. Victor dodges some fire to get off the left. They swing away at close range, and Lopez wants Ortiz to come in again. Wild shots mostly miss as the bell sounds.
Tylwalk: 10-9 Ortiz
Ortiz is not coming out for the 10th round. Johnson is beside himself as Lopez gets himself the upset stoppage!
The winner by TKO at the end of Round 10, Josesito Lopez.
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